How to Stop a German Shepherd from Chewing Everything: Expert Tips

How to Stop a German Shepherd from Chewing Everything

Ultimate Guide: How to Stop a German Shepherd from Chewing Everything

One of the most popular breeds for pet exotic and police work, German Shepherds are intelligent and high spirited canines. Nevertheless, they are always predisposed to chewing, occasionally the behaviors can be lethal. This results in individuals’ belongings being destroyed, which is undesirable, and also poses health risks to the animal where got access to poisonous substances. 

Solving this problem is relevant to creating a favorable environment for everyone and becoming a shielding against undesirable incidents. While it is as a rule beneficial to know the causes of chewing and prevent it efficiently, the owners can redirect this conduct in a positive manner. However, it can also be said that providing your German Shepherd with proper exercise and chance to explore can help both in preventing your valued items from being destroyed and in maintaining the health of your pet.

Understanding the Chewing Behavior

Natural Instincts

Particularities in the German Shepherds that cause chewing vary and are not exclusive to any pedigree This is a normal development phase for paw biting in puppies. Pups bite objects because they are teething and the gums become tender in their young mouths. 

Also, eating is the instinct developed to the highest level in a dog and chewing is one of the ways for a dog to interact with the environment using mouth, while people interact with hands. Chewing is also used by the dogs as an item that can be used to relate to any stress or tension that the dog experienced. Last of all, Mental stimulation- each time these German Shepherds are left idle with nothing to do or are bored, they become busy chewing.

Common Triggers

Of course, there are many specific triggers that will eventually spur chewing behavior in a German Shepherd. Others chew more due to stress arising from for instance change of environment and lack of interaction. If the German Shepherd Dog or any of the active dog breeds lacks a way to discharge this energy, the dog becomes bored and this boring directs the energy to destructive chewing. 

Stimulation should also not be lacking as a result, in case this might not be possible the German Shepherds might chew. Another principle reason that makes dogs chew things is due to separation anxiety, that is a measure when stressed up for being left alone.

Effective Strategies to Curb Chewing

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

Proper and appropriate types of chew toys should therefore be chosen to avoid the problem of chewing. Choose toys that are long lasting and safe because a German Shepherd has a very powerful bite. Chew toys that will capture the dog’s attention including the Kong toys, Nylabone and rope toys are appropriate. They include these options notwithstanding the fact that they effectively cater for their chewing instinct and as an added advantage, they assist in keeping them preoccupied.

Ensure Sufficient Exercise

Play and exercise is something that must be stressed for a German Shepherd as this will help release energy that would otherwise be channeled towards chewing. Always take your dog out for walk, let him or her play involves in activities such as agility training. Participation in these activities will help in reducing destructive behaviors by a great extent.

Mental Stimulation

Like in the case of any other dog, stimulation of the German Shepherd’s brain is just as important as playing with him. Provide meal puzzles, obedience, and other games to give mental workout. Such activities help to engage the mind of the dog hence eliminating boredom which is one of the triggers of chewing.

Training and Behavior Modification

Verbal commands like ‘leave it ‘ or ‘ drop it’ are still useful in preventing the pet from chewing unwanted articles. Solving – Solve problems and difficulties that are faced by the students such as the use of positive reinforcements by praising and giving treats to the students when they exhibit good behavior. Stability in training means to repeat and continue the routines often as a way of constantly teaching the proper behaviors.

Addressing Anxiety

Stress is also considered as one of the major causes of chewing. Stress may manifest in such things as pacing, whining or excessive licking, therefore, one needs to keenly observe his/her dog. To reduce the stress, you can also use products for example anxiety vests and establish a kennel to comfort your dog. Gradual exposure to triggers can also be effective when it comes to the reduction the chewing that is resultant of anxiety.

Supervision and Management

To ensure that your German Shepherd does not cause harm to other animals or engage in the wrong activities, ensure they are supervised when you cannot observe them. Door and room restrictions like baby gates, playpen, and crate are effective once the behavior is redirected at new areas. Crate training also give a security to your dog and also assists in controlling his/her conduct by not allowing the dog to get to points that he/she may chew.

Chew Deterrents

Safely non toxic repellents are useful in discouraging chewing that may lead to damage. They include perfect spraying solution as bitter apple spray or any other commercial repellent to any item that one wants to keep out of pet’s access. Make sure that you adhere to the instructions that you highlight when applying them, and use it frequently to remind the m frequently that some items are prohibited.

Preventive Measures

Puppy Proofing Your Home

Safeguarding your home is a crucial first step in preventing destructive chewing. Remove temptations by keeping valuables out of reach and securing items that could be chewed on. This includes storing shoes, remote controls, and other small objects in safe places. Additionally, use barriers to restrict access to certain areas, ensuring your dog stays away from potential hazards.

Consistent Routine

Establishing a structured daily schedule is vital for a German Shepherd's well-being and behavior management. Consistency in feeding, exercise, playtime, and training helps create a sense of security and reduces anxiety. A predictable routine allows your dog to know what to expect, which can prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of destructive chewing.

Healthy Diet

Nutrition plays a significant role in a dog's behavior. Providing high-quality dog food ensures your German Shepherd gets the necessary nutrients for overall health and balanced energy levels. Avoid foods that might cause hyperactivity, as excess energy can lead to increased chewing. A well-balanced diet supports both physical and mental health, contributing to better behavior and a happier pet.


To sum up, the management of the chewing issue in a German Shepherd is focused on the identification of its root cause, offering suitable objects for chewing on, using proper training methods, and controlling the dog’s environment adequately. 

Awareness of their most basic tendencies and the situations that predispose them to chewing allows you to meet your dog’s needs and guide him towards the correct ways of behaving. In dealing with these problems, one has to be patient, and have a lot of perseverance because changing or altering a child’s behavior does not happen instantly especially if they are already old. 

If issues are not resolved, it is always wise to talk to a vet or a professional dog trainer for more advice and help. To assist your German Shepherd to have a long happy and healthy life free from destructive chewing, you need to take the right approach.

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